Western New York Law Center, Buffalo, NY


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Marketplace-PAL Discussion Group

The Marketplace Peer Assist Listserv (Marketplace PAL) is a peer forum where individuals providing enrollment and renewal assistance in the New York State of Health Marketplace ask questions and share information and resources in order to better assist the consumers they serve. Members generate the content of the listserv by posting inquiries, comments, announcements, references to resources, and other items of professional interest to colleagues by way of the list’s e-mail address. This list is not a forum to recommend, encourage or discourage enrollment in specific health plans.

Membership is targeted toward In-person Assistors/Navigators, Certified Application Counselors, Enrollment Brokers and others who provide enrollment assistance through the New York State of Health Marketplace. List membership is open and broad, including people from advocacy organizations, community based organizations, health plans, and healthcare providers. List managers cannot, and do not, attempt to screen out individuals and agencies that may have potential conflicts with some members of the list.

Postings to Marketplace PAL do not constitute legal advice or services, and are not confidential. Subscribing to Marketplace PAL does not establish an attorney-client relationship with anyone who receives or responds to any posting, and postings are not subject to attorney-client privilege. Subscribers should not post privileged client information.

Marketplace PAL is not open to individuals seeking assistance with Marketplace enrollment or renewal for themselves or their families. Individuals needing assistance with enrollment or renewals should contact New York State of Health Customer Service at 855-355-5777 or visit the New York State of Health website at https://nystateofhealth.ny.gov/ to find an enrollment assistor nearby.

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